
Stencils in Polished Plaster

Micro-cement, also known by the French name Beton Cire is a cement based coating used as a durable decorative finish. Micro-cement can be applied to practically any surface including ceramics, tiles, floors, walls, work surfaces and table tops.

Stencils are a useful way to repeat patterns and apply artwork to ceilings and walls to a high standard.

Freehand art has its place in a gallery, but on walls the requirement for consistency is far greater. Patterns need to repeat so there is no transition from wall to wall and ceiling to ceiling. This is how intricate wall art from centuries past was created, with our forefathers using stencils to create a perfect finish. Stencils can be used with traditional and modern compounds to create raised designs on walls and ceilings. Venetian plaster is an excellent candidate, with the raised patterns capable of standing up to polishing. Marmorino plaster can also be stencilled as can modern compounds and micro-cement. The application is time-consuming, but the end result is always worth it. Stencilled wall patterns look beautiful.

The Benefits

Stencilled patterns have four benefits

Pattern consistency

Stencils can repeat patterns and when correctly applied, there is no perceptible transition from application to application. Patterns appear seamless.

Design freedom

Stencils take away the complexities of freehand art. There are a wide range of standard stencils out there, or custom designs can be drawn.

Material compatibility

Stencils can be used with your preferred plaster finish, whether that’s a synthetic acrylic compound, Venetian plaster or Marmorino plaster.


Stencils are pre-cut with a fixed depth. Fresh plaster fills in the stencil, with the stencil lifted away when the plaster is still wet for a perfect finish.

Working with Wall & Deco

At Wall & Deco, we work to extremely high standards never compromising on quality. Our attention to detail and specialist know-how allows us to create luxury finishes that our clients love.

When you work with us, we will listen to your idea and transform it into reality. With our knowledge of specialist decorative materials we are able to advise you on the best way to achieve the end result you require. Your satisfaction is our priority.

We have worked for a wide range of clients in virtually every sector, from domestic to commercial. We are professionals who pride ourselves on our reliability and expertise. You can always rely on Wall & Deco, for the finest plastering work.




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If you want the finest stencil plaster work, get started by emailing us. We can also provide advice on the best types of finish for your project. Contact us for a friendly chat and a no obligation quote.